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Assessments Completed
Milton Public Schools wanted to create a clearer picture of their students’ growth by better leveraging common assessments. The problem was that assessment data was fragmented as they were struggling to combine the data they already had from statewide tests such as PSAT/SAT, MCAS, and AP and with other standards-aligned assessment data. They began looking for a platform that would do the heavy lifting of combining the data, and give them quick and actionable insights.
The leadership of Milton approached Otus with a clear picture of what they wanted for their district. They decided Otus was the perfect fit and would allow them to both administer and analyze common assessments in one easy-to-manage place. They would also be able to leverage the third-party test data, giving the teachers and administrators deeper insights into student growth.
Since implementing Otus in 2019, the students of Milton have completed over 53,000 assessments. Milton’s common assessments are now being combined with third-party data points and standards-aligned assessments to give one comprehensive view of their students. Teachers and administrators are now able to spend less time finding data and more time leveraging it to make data-informed decisions to promote student growth.