Join us for our next live demo on Thursday September 12th at 2:00 p.m. CT to get a closer look at the Otus platform


A Gradebook for Every Grading System

Customize your gradebook to meet any reporting needs, from standards-based to traditional points, and easily switch between the two scales to analyze and communicate student performance with stakeholders.

Interactive Gradebook

A versatile, automated gradebook that provides you with the real-time student data you need to track student progress, inform instruction, and report to stakeholders.

Self-Organizing Gradebook

Scores are automatically loaded into the gradebook and organized as students are assessed.

self-organizing gradebook
Gradebook in Otus

Clear Grading for Student and Families

Students and families can view overall grades, formative and summative assessments, and progress toward any learning standards measured in real time.

National, State, & Custom Standards

The standards your schools use will be loaded into Otus and ready for you on day one.

Performance Analytics
Performance Analytics

Performance Analytics

View the performance on each standard or multiple standards for an entire class, site, or district at a glance.


A Holistic View of Each Student

Visualize and understand a student’s growth. Determine students’ specific strengths and weaknesses, identify opportunities for informed and authentic differentiation, and act on identified learning gaps.


Detailed Reporting Made Easy

Easy-to-understand reporting options for administrators, teachers, students, and families. Provide families with custom, autogenerated report cards that display detailed student progress toward mastery.

We have a very unique competency-based system for assessment – a mash-up of competency, standards, mastery, and traditional. It was very difficult to find a tool and gradebook to support how we do things, and Otus filled eveery need we had.


Head of Teaching and Learning, New England Innovation Academy, MA

Otus in Action

See the Standard-Based Gradebook from the perspective of a teacher in Otus

Otus Saves Educators Time by Keeping Everything in One Place


Standards-Based and Traditional Grading

Data & Analytics
