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2019-20 Product Roadmap

2019-20 Product Roadmap: What to expect this school year

Author: Chris Hull | Otus Co-Founder and Chief Product Officer | Blog |

After looking at the calendar, in what seems to be an instant, you quickly realize the 2019-2020 school year is well underway. We wanted to provide an update sharing some of the new features and enhancements you can expect to see throughout this school year.

Assessment Folders

With all the tasks and responsibilities placed upon educators we know the importance of being organized. Educators will soon have the ability to place their assessments into folders.

Administrators will be able to share folders with their teachers. Any teacher with access to a shared folder will immediately see updates to all of the assessments inside the folder.

Share Student Performance on 3rd Party Assessments

No longer rely on mailing home 3rd Party assessment data. Instead, the student performance data can be shared with Family and Student users in their Otus accounts.

Historical Analytics

Administrators will be able to create cohorts of students and select the data they want to compare over time. This will help visualize insights into program effectiveness, building inequalities, and other important questions districts are seeking to address.

New Home Page with Notifications

Student, teacher, and family users will have a new home page where they will be notified about relevant activity in Otus. Their activity feed will provide updates about assignments and lessons, shared bookshelf resources, attendance, recognitions, newly added portfolio items, and class board posts.

Phone App Redesign

Because Teachers, students, and families carry their phones with them wherever they go we are enhancing our phone app beyond assessments, grades, and standard scores by including the notification feed on the phone. Users will be updated in real time with the activity in Otus helping everyone be more connected to student learning.

Integration with Turnitin

When students submit attachments for a rubric assessment, teachers can have the attachments scanned for plagiarism by Turnitin. Easily access the results in the assessments table within Otus.

If you would like to learn more about these new features or provide feedback we would be excited to set up a time for a deeper dive and discussion – contact to set up a time.

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