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The Marshall School District in Benton, Kentucky, had an ambitious goal. Create a more personalized learning environment for their students by giving teachers and administrators real-time access to student progress. After many discussions, they decided that they needed a learning platform that would support common assessments, standards-based grading, lessons and real-time analytics.


With a list of requirements in mind, Marshall School District began searching for a platform that could provide a personalized learning environment for their students. They found Otus and immediately knew it was a perfect fit. With Otus, they would have the power needed to pull powerful data reports, along with the flexibility to implement SBG at their own pace.


Since rolling out in 2019, the teachers of Marshall County have fallen in love with Otus, and it is now used at 10 schools within the district. The pandemic supercharged their usage and has completely changed the way they measure student growth. Through the combination of lessons, assessments and standards-based grading, they are able to see in real-time the progress of each student and make data-informed decisions.

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