Standards-Based Grading: Everything You Need to Know (2024)
What Is Standards-Based Grading?
Standards-based grading (SBG), or mastery-based grading, is a system that evaluates students’ progress toward mastering specific learning targets called standards. These standards can be set at national, state, or school levels. A standards-based grading scale often comprises categories ranging from “below” the standard to “mastering” it.
What Is The Purpose of Standards-Based Grading?
The purpose of standards-based grading is to give a clearer picture of a student’s learning progress. Instead of a traditional points gradebook where you see a single letter grade, an SBG report card gives a detailed view of student strengths and areas of opportunity. Traditional grading communicates on a high level, whereas standards-based grading provides detailed and actionable insights.
The Ultimate Standards-Based Grading Resource Center
3 Benefits of Standards-Based Grading
Increased Student Engagement
A standards-based education helps students understand the goals behind homework, quizzes, and tests. Since standards are often written in student-friendly language, they become more engaged in the learning process. This shifts the goal from receiving points for a grade to mastering a complete understanding of a concept. A common practice is to encourage students to “self-assess” their mastery of learning targets. This not only provides insight for the teacher but can also prompt students to ask better questions.
Better Parent/Family Conversations
Imagine bringing your car to the mechanic, and they say, “Your car is in B+ condition.” Not very helpful. Instead, what you want is a checklist of what is working and what is not working. "Everything is good except the brakes are broken." Now, that would be good to know.

Families want the same clarity with their students. A letter grade offers little insight into what might be going right or wrong in the classroom. This can lead to emails and phone calls to the teacher requiring a further explanation of their student’s grade. In contrast, standards-based grading shows families exactly where their student is both excelling and struggling. Understanding their student’s strengths and areas of opportunity can help families better support students at home and lead to fewer teacher emails.
Consistent Measurement
In traditional grading systems, grades can vary widely based on the teacher. Teachers can weigh different aspects of the class based on subjective style and preferences. For example, consider a student who has a true understanding of the material but lacks participation and homework consistency. In a traditional grading system, this student will receive an A from a teacher who focuses only on assessments and a D from another who calculates participation into the final grade. In a standards-based approach, it becomes easy to measure progress across classrooms. Rather than waiting until the end of the year for standardized tests to measure student learning, teachers and administrators can use SBG software like Otus to access real-time metrics across classrooms and grade levels. This results in a faster (and more accurate) feedback loop that can accelerate learning.
What School Administrators Need to Know About Standards-Based Grading
The thought of transitioning your school to standards-based grading can be daunting. Here are a few things you can do as an administrator to set your school up for a successful transition to SBG.
Communicate and Discuss
There is a quote by Patrick Lencioni that is crucial for any big change: “If people don’t weigh in, they can’t buy in.” There are many exciting benefits of SBG. Many school admins who have implemented SBG started the process by getting feedback from teachers to establish a baseline. Whether via informal discussions, Professional Learning Communities (PLCs), or small group meetings, this feedback is instrumental to achieve that much-needed buy-in. If teachers are part of the process, they will be much more supportive and active during the transition.
Start Small
It can be difficult for many people to buy into something they haven’t used before. Consider starting with one or two teachers who are excited about this change. Maybe even create a Professional Learning Community around implementing SBG. If the test is successful, it will be much easier to garner wide-scale support. This can provide a boost in momentum which will increase the likelihood of long-term success.
Equip Your Teachers
Many challenges come with switching to SBG, and the last thing you need is another third-party software to integrate.
Otus is an all-in-one solution for educators to teach, grade, analyze, and plan. With a built-in, highly customizable standards-based grading system, Otus makes transitioning to SBG much smoother. One of the best SBG features is the standards-based report card that helps families understand their student’s performance against standards.

What School Teachers Need to Know About Standards-Based Grading
Do Some Research
Ironically, there is no standard way to use standards-based grading. You might have questions like which scale we should use, how to handle missing/late assignments, and how many standards should we teach? These questions, and many more, will need to be answered. Before you embark on this new adventure, spend some time researching best practices from other educators.
Here is a comprehensive list of resources to help you on your journey!
Communicate with Students
One of the benefits of standards-based grading is that it empowers students. However, it is hard to empower students when they are out of the loop. Once you get the SBG ball rolling, consider how you’ll communicate this change with your students. Whether you give a presentation or provide resources for students to see how standards-based grading works, communication is key. They will feel more empowered when they have a clearer understanding of what they’re learning and why.
Communicate with Families
Communicating with families is just as important as communicating with students. It can be difficult for families to transition from viewing grades as compensation (or something their student earned) to viewing them as a better form of communication around their student’s learning. Listening to family feedback and offering helpful resources is a great way to ease the transition. If done well, families can become some of the biggest advocates for mastery grading.
What School Families Need to Know About Standards-Based Grading
Everyone knows what a traditional report card looks like, so it can be unnerving when something radically different shows up instead. Many families are accustomed to a definitive score for their child, especially when they are a “straight-A student.”
Families need to know that grades aren’t meant to be a game with a high score but rather a tool for effective communication. While a letter grade can give a fuzzy outline of learning progress, an SBG report card gives a high-definition view. Rather than knowing a child has a B+, they can see they struggle with thesis statements. Instead of informing families that their child needs support, a standards-based approach allows families to understand exactly how to support their child.
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