30 Resources to Master Standards-Based Grading
4 Blog Posts About Standards-Based Grading
If you are just starting your Standards-Based journey, these blogs are a great place to start!
Below is a carefully curated list of some introductory resources to master Standards-Based learning.
If you don’t know where to start – try this blog post that covers the basics!
Rick Wormeli (@rickwormeli2)
Rick Wormeli is the author of many books including Meet Me in the Middle and Fair Isn’t Always Equal: Assessment and Grading in the Differentiated Classroom. Rick has been writing about teaching and grading for almost two decades and is worth following if you want to learn more about the space.
Thomas R. Guskey, Ph.D. (@tguskey)
Thomas Guskey Professor Emeritus at the University of Kentucky in the College of Education. He has done extensive research on the way teachers grade. With many published books, articles, and professional papers, his voice is a prominent one in the world of Standards-Based Grading.
Matt Townsley (@mctownsley)
Matt Townsley is a former administrator (named 2014’s Iowa’s Central Office Administrator of the year), and current author. He has written many articles and most recently a book: Making grades matter: Standards-based grading in a secondary PLC at work published in 2020.
Lee Ann Jung, Ph.D. (@leeannjung)
Lee Ann Jung, Ph.D. is an author, professor, and consultant. She has written many articles and books about education and also posts a lot of relevant content on her Twitter.
Lisa Westman (@lisa_westman)
Lisa Westman is a well-known voice in the education space. She is an author, speaker, and consultant who talks about a variety of educational topics including Standards-Based Grading. Lisa is always tweeting and retweeting helpful resources that will keep you up to date on the world of education.
Douglas Reeves (@douglasreeves)
Douglas Reeves is the founder of Creative Leadership Solutions, a consulting group that helps empower districts, teachers, and students to be creative.
The Standards-Based Classroom (@SBclassroom)
The Standards-Based Classroom is a Twitter account run by Stan Williams & Emily Rinkema and covers all things SBG. If you are looking to stay in the loop with articles, tips, and other resources for Standards-Based Learning, this is a great account to follow.
If you have decided to dive deep into the world of Mastery-Based Learning, here is a list of highly recommended books.
This is by no means an extensive list, but should definitely get you a little further in your SBG journey.

Checking for Understanding: Formative Assessment Techniques for Your Classroom (Professional Development)
by Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey

Grading From the Inside Out: Bringing Accuracy to Student Assessment Through a Standards-Based Mindset
by Tom Schimmer

Fair Isn't Always Equal: Assessing & Grading in the Differentiated Classroom
by Rick Wormeli

Formative Assessment and Standards-Based Grading: The Classroom Strategies Series
by Robert J. Marzano

A School Leader's Guide to Standards-Based Grading
by Tammy Heflebower, Jan K. Hoegh, Phil Warrick, With Mitzi Hoback, With Margaret McInteer, With Bev Clemens, Foreword by Robert Marzano

Answers to Essential Questions About Standards, Assessments, Grading, and Reporting
by Thomas R. Guskey, Lee Ann Jung

5 Scholarly Articles to Dive Deep Into SBG
Looking for some studies or scholarly articles about the standards-based approach?
Check out this list of five relevant articles that will help you master this topic!
A Century of Grading Research: Meaning and Value in the Most Common Educational Measure
Authors: Susan M. Brookhart, Thomas R. Guskey, Alex J. Bowers, James H. McMillan, Jeffrey K. Smith, Lisa F. Smith, Michael T. Stevens, and Megan E. Welsh
Effects of standards-based report cards on student learning – Read Here
Author: Craig, Theresa A.
Taking on a New Grading System: The Interconnected Effects of Standards-Based Grading on Teaching, Learning, Assessment, and Student Behavior – Read Here
Authors: Megan Knight, Robyn Cooper
The Benefits of Standards-Based Grading: A Critical Evaluation of Modern Grading Practices – Read Here
Author: Danielle L. Iamarino
The Case Against Percentage Grades – Read Here
Author: Thomas R. Guskey
Want to learn more about SBG on the go? Check out some of these awesome podcast episodes.
Here are four specific episodes that should help anyone gain a better understanding of Standards-Based Grading.
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