WEBINAR ALERT:Otus Insights: Act on Your Student Data at the Speed of AI | Wednesday February 12th | 1 PM CT

On Demand PD

Navigating Otus as a Family User

Family members can access all of their child’s growth data right in Otus for a holistic picture of performance. In this Otus Live professional development session, family members will learn how to navigate the Otus platform including how to utilize the Notification Feed and To-Do List to track progress and work completion, view grades in the Points and Standards Gradebook, and more.

To learn more about Otus for families, click here.

What is Otus Live?

Otus Live PD is an opportunity to learn from the Otus team! Register and join us for a live session using the calendar or check out On-Demand recordings here in the Otus Resource Library.

Upcoming Live PD and Webinars