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Think Like Harvard: Bring Data Wise to Your School

The Eight Steps of the Data Wise Process

  1. Organize for Collaborative Work
  2. Build Assessment Literacy
  3. Create Data Overview
  4. Dig into Student Data
  5. Examine Instruction
  6. Develop Action Plan
  7. Plan to Assess Progress
  8. Act and Assess

How Does Otus Support This Process?

An example of a Query report in Otus.
  • High-stakes 3rd party data (NWEA, SBAC, state assessments, etc)
  • Local assessment data
  • Performance on standards
  • Attendance
  • Behavior
  • Participation
The quote "Data can ignite curiosity and buy-in to the improvement process if teachers have the opportunity to understand what the data shows and ask questions about it." on a white graphic with colorful shapes around the edges.

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