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Best LMS for Schools: 10 Non-Negotiables When Choosing a K-12 LMS

1. Gives You The Ability to Create Engaging Lessons

An example lesson in Otus LMS.
An example lesson in Otus.

2. Has a Built-In To-Do List

  • When a colleague shares a lesson or assessment with you
  • When a student submits work
  • When a student receives recognition from another teacher
  • Your to-do list. This list details lessons and assessments you assigned that have not been 100% completed.
The homescreen of an Otus teacher account. Shown is a list of notifications next to a To-Do list.
The notifications feed and to-do list in Otus.

3. Allows for Great In-System Communication
Email communication in Otus.

4. Organized and Manageable Classroom Learning

A student list in Otus LMS showing recognitions and student groups.
A student list in Otus showing recognitions and student groups.

5. Allows You to Share and Collaborate With Your Team

Gif showing the quick process of sharing Assessment folders in Otus.
Sharing Assessment Folders in Otus.

6. Locked Lesson Activities

Locked lesson activities in Otus, the best LMS.
Locked lesson activities in Otus.

7. Assessments Embedded In Lessons

Clicking an assessment that is embedded directly in an Otus lesson.
Assessments can be linked directly in Otus lessons.

8. Assessment Analytics
Creating student groups directly from assessment analytics in Otus.

9. Provides Personalized Onboarding

Tim, an Account Manager at Otus, leads a training at a client school in 2019. He stands at a podium in a room of six educators.
Tim, an Account Manager at Otus, leads a training session at a school in 2019.

10. Great Customer Support

An Otus support chat message. Message from Otus chat support says: "We've been in your shoes, and we understand what it's like! Teaching is one of the most rewarding and demanding jobs in the world. Whether it be trouble shooting, navigating, or advice, we are here for you!"
Brooke, a Client Success Specialist at Otus, loves supporting educators and administrators.

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