WEBINAR ALERT:Otus Insights: Act on Your Student Data at the Speed of AI | Wednesday February 12th | 1 PM CT

On Demand PD

Disaggregate Data in Otus Analytics by Demographics

Otus Analytics allows teachers and administrators to filter student data by key demographics so they can narrow in on a specific group of students and their performance. Educators can choose from race/ethnicity, grade level, gender, and other custom groups, such as Special Education status or English Language Learner, when filtering the data.

In this Otus Live professional development session, educators will learn how to access student data in 3rd Party Analytics and use the filtering options to disaggregate data in real-time.

To learn more about 3rd Party Analytics, visit the Otus Knowledge Base.

What is Otus Live?

Otus Live PD is an opportunity to learn from the Otus team! Register and join us for a live session using the calendar or check out On-Demand recordings here in the Otus Resource Library.

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