WEBINAR ALERT:Otus Insights: Act on Your Student Data at the Speed of AI | Wednesday February 12th | 1 PM CT

Customer Stories and Case Studies

Schools nationwide are using Otus to ensure that every child—regardless of their learning level or background—is on a trajectory to achieve their full potential.

Impact Map - Otus Customers

“What we love about Otus is we’re not the ones spending time gathering and organizing the data. It’s in there; we just pull it up and look at it. Now, we’re truly focused on instruction – which is what teachers and instructional coaches should be doing.”

Sheri Peacock, East Moline School District 37

How Santa Rosa Academy Keeps Students Connected With Otus

How Santa Rosa Academy Keeps Students Connected With Otus

Lisa Wardle | Santa Rosa Academy Lisa Wardle leads the Independent Study Program, teaches, and coaches new educators at Santa Rosa Academy. She taught elementary education for over 15 years before moving into her new role. We interviewed this Otus super-user to learn...

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User Spotlight: Blair Community Schools

User Spotlight: Blair Community Schools

With so many edtech vendors on the market promising unicorns and silver linings, it’s hard to sift through the noise. Internal hurdles, like getting buy-in from key stakeholders and finding the best platform to drive solutions, takes dedication and perseverance. Meet...

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