WEBINAR ALERT:Otus Insights: Act on Your Student Data at the Speed of AI | Wednesday February 12th | 1 PM CT

The Journey Towards Meaningful K-12 Analytics on Student Performance

Author: Guest | Blog |

Beginning in a few weeks and through the end of the school year, you will begin to see new features in Otus that will lead us to a brand new offering for our clients: interactive historical analytics.

This new module will allow Otus to further support instructional initiatives such as RTI/MTSS, data-informed instruction, and differentiation.

And, there will be no additional charge for this new module!

What Otus does currently

Currently, Otus offers plenty of point-in-time reports. School, district, and teacher leader users are able to aggregate data from many sources and visualize it, side-by-side, with data generated in real-time at the classroom level to have a more holistic view of student performance.

We also currently offer the ability to view student growth over time on learning standards, common assessments, and third-party data.

What is coming between now and June

The next step is to be able to view that same data over periods of time using cohorts as shown at the top of this email.

Our December release will allow school districts to set academic sessions. Not only will this “force” classroom assessments and lessons into the correct grading period, but it is also the foundation for you to be able to compare cohorts over time.

Over the winter and spring months, you will begin to see other updates and enhancements as we complete the phases of this powerful tool.

Driven by the needs of K-12 administrators

We would like to give a special thanks to some individuals who have provided invaluable input with the designs, logic, and goals for historical analytics:

  • Dr. Merri Beth Kudrna, Director of Curriculum, Wood Dale 7 (IL)

  • Dr. Karin Neff, Data Analyst, Bozeman Public Schools (MT)

  • Esther Mongan, Assistant Superintendent, CUSD 301 (IL)

  • Curt White, Educational Technologist, Neosho School District (MO)

  • Dr. Mike Lubelfeld, North Shore School District 112 (IL)

  • Mitch Kubicek, Director of Learning, Milford Public Schools (NE)

  • Joshua Halverson, Instructional Technology Coordinator, Wood Dale 7 (IL)

  • Joseph Clark, Assistant Principal, Roseville City Schools (CA)

  • Dr. Jeremy Larson, Superintendent, Paris-Union School District (IL)

  • Joseph Hartel, Teacher, Big Lake School District (MN)

  • Rusty Clark, Superintendent, Pleasant Ridge Schools (CA)

  • Megan Weinstein, Director of Evaluation, ALLMemphis (TN)

We look forward to further helping data become a source of healthy conversations in your school systems!


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