Standards-Based Grading
Easily Track and Communicate Student Progress Toward Learning Standards
Many schools struggle with the inconsistency of traditional grading methods, making it challenging to accurately assess and communicate students’ proficiency of learning standards and course objectives.
Schools need a solution that automates standards-based grading processes, streamlining the assessment, tracking, and reporting of student progress. This ensures consistency, transparency, and efficiency in grading practices, enabling educators to provide more accurate feedback and tailor instruction to meet individual student needs, ultimately leading to improved student success and school performance.
Standards-Based Grading with Otus
Use Any Standards
Otus provides standards for every state, NGSS, and the Common Core, or you can add your own custom standards.
Streamline Grading
Add standards-based performance on activities like exit tickets or observations directly to the gradebook.
Reliable Assessments
Quickly grasp what your students know and don’t know with thousands of ready-to-use, standards-aligned assessments.
Help Students Grow
Share feedback in a variety of ways so students know where to focus their efforts.
A Gradebook Built for Standards
Visualize student performance data in Otus’ Standards Gradebook, adaptable to any district grading scale, criteria, or goal.
Understand Standards Performance
Tap into interactive visuals that show student levels of understanding on any standards measured.
Keep Families Informed
Give families real-time access to Otus or communicate progress with an easy-to-understand standards-based report card.
Head of Teaching and Learning
at New England Innovation Academy
“We have a very unique competency-based system for assessment – a mash-up of competency, standards, mastery, and traditional. It was very difficult to find a tool and gradebook to support how we do things, and Otus filled every need we had.”
Get Started with SBG
Additional Resources
Reimagining Grading in K-12 Schools
Everything You Need to Know to Successfully Transition to Standards Based Grading
The Ultimate Guide to Standards-Based Grading