WEBINAR ALERT:Otus Insights: Act on Your Student Data at the Speed of AI | Wednesday February 12th | 1 PM CT

Schedule a Demo With Otus!

Why Otus?

Otus is an integrated student data and assessment solution that provides K-12 schools with:

  • Third-Party Data Management: Analyze student data from any assessment (NWEA MAP, iReady, STAR, state assessments, and more) using real-time, custom reports.
  • Student Assessment: Create your own or tap into 1000’s of pre-created, standards-aligned assessments. Whether it’s formative, summative, or a common assessment, Otus streamlines how teachers measure student learning.
  • Standards-Based Grading: Otus automates standards-based grading processes so teachers can efficiently track and report progress toward any learning standard or competency.
  • Personalized Learning Plans: Drive student growth with progress monitoring plans that address academic skills, social-emotional learning, behavior, college and career readiness, attendance, and more.

Ready to take the next step? Fill out the demo request form and an Otus expert will be in touch.

Watch the video below to get a quick overview of the Otus platform